We have 5 core convictions that distinguishes our congregation.

Our Foundation in Faith

At the Salt Lake City International Christian Church, our beliefs are the bedrock of our spiritual journey. Our faith is more than just words; it’s a living, breathing commitment to following Christ’s example in every aspect of our lives. From leadership that guides with integrity to a global vision that seeks to spread the Gospel, every facet of our church is dedicated to nurturing a community of believers who live, love, and lead in the light of His word.

PLAN of salvation


We Are A Bible Church, Not Simply A New Testament Church

Technically speaking, the word “Scripture” in this passage refers to only the Old Testament. Now, through the inspiration of the Spirit, we believe that it applies to the New Testament as well.

We believe the Old Testament applies to our lives — as much as the New Testament — except for the Mosaic Law and any teaching in the New Testament that supersedes the Old Testament.

2 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Peter 3:15-16, Colossians 2:13-14

A Central Leadership With A Central Leader

Throughout God’s Word, when His people were unified, there was a strong central leadership and a godly central leader. (Examples: Moses, Joshua, David and of course Jesus and the Apostles.) Local congregations had an overseeing evangelist who unified the disciples “everywhere in every church.” In the first century, congregations were a collective movement — not autonomous, not self-governing. Acts 15:19-24, Acts 21:24

In the New Testament, Jesus is the leader of “the Movement!” Uniquely, when He ascends to Heaven, Peter takes on this responsibility as “the apostle to the Jews,” since for the first seven years of Christianity only Jews became Christians. Interestingly, after Paul became “the apostle to the Gentiles,” the leadership of the movement by Acts 15 had passed to Jesus’ oldest half-brother James. At the Jerusalem Council, James, after listening to both sides of the circumcision issue, gives his singular authoritative “judgment,” which is then bound on all the churches.

Numbers 27:12-23, Exodus 18:12-26, Judges 21:25, 1 Corinthians 4:15-17, Titus 1:5


“Be Silent Where The Bible Speaks, And Speak Where The Bible Is Silent”

In applying scriptural principles to build the visible church, we believe we must obey God’s Word, but where the Bible does not prohibit a practice or name, we are free to use our God-given creativity.

We are free to practice or name something as long as it does not contradict the Scriptures.

1 Corinthians 10:23, Genesis 2:19

The Dream Of The Evangelization Of The Nations In THIS Generation

If the world was evangelized in the first century, we can certainly do it again in the twenty-first century! This will be accomplished through every disciple making disciples, and every disciple having discipling relationships.

Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Colossians 1:6 & 23, 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Discipling Is A Command Of God And Not Optional

The dynamic in this relationship begins as a teacher/student relationship and then matures to a more peer/peer relationship.

Discipling is teaching obedience to scripture and is detailed in the “one another” passages: “love one another,” “instruct one another,” “confess your sins to each other,” “pray for each other,” etc.


Matthew 28:19-20, Colossians 1:28-29, John 15:15, 2 Timothy 2:1-3